
Zippy’s Breakfast Bento – Portuguese Sausage Version – #img365

We decided to try the Zippy’s Breakfast Bento this morning to see how it would compare to having a McD’s Portuguese Sausage Eggs and Rice breakfast.  We ended up buying 4 of them for the members of the household who were home this morning.  The opinions were varied.

Our two boys didn’t really like the “taste” of the egg.  What that means exactly I don’t know. It could very easily just mean that it was “different” from what they were used to eating and so an unexpected taste.

The wife’s opinion was that she likes McD’s egg better.  But the Zippy’s one looks more “real” and less processed.

For myself I actually like the whole thing better.  BUT I didn’t eat the egg (I never do) and so maybe I would be in the same boat as the others as far as preference goes.  I did like the Portuguese sausage better.  It wasn’t as big but it seemed to be less spicy and so didn’t leave as much of an after taste in my mouth.  I’m not one for a lot of spicy food so that should be taken into account as well.

Overall, very good to have another option for a quickie breakfast as far as I’m concerned.

Posted via email from parkrat’s posterous

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