
Dinner @GoodToGrill on Thursday Night w/@mel808

Since there was only the two of us for dinner on Thursday night after attending the last Friends of Waialae School meeting of the year. @mel808 and I decided to go to Good to Grill (@goodtogrill) to see what kind of specials they had there.

Mel went with the Opah special.

I ended up getting one of my favorites the Furikake Ahi special.

Both were very YUMs!

Even if Good to Grill wasn’t a client of mine we would still like to eat there because, in case you didn’t notice, we can get rice AND fries with our meal instead of ordering it all rice or wasting (for me) the salad.

We also lucked out timing-wise as it was Thursday and that is live music night. Dayton Watanabe was playing and he actually gave us a sample CD of his to take home with us too. Very cool! More so because he can actually sing. 🙂 I asked him if he was on Twitter and he looked at me kind of funny, but his card did show his MySpace address as He also said you could find him on Facebook if you search for his name.

All in all made for a nice cool night out on the patio with my babe (no, not Dayton).

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