
Cradlepoint CTR500 – It’s here!

Connected it to my Hele Broadband USB card and after a quick search of an online forum found the settings needed to get it up and running with this setup.

The only question I have is how come the signal strength indicator lights don’t come on? I hope it isn’t something defective!

Anyways, got more playing around with it to see if it works.  I am very hopeful that this may let me get past some connectivity challenges I’ve had in the past.

Thanks @rsuenaga and @thestuffguy for the heads up on this guy. So far it seems VERY COOL!

Posted via email from ParkRat’s Posterous Playground

2 thoughts on “Cradlepoint CTR500 – It’s here!

  • ParkRat – the signal strength leds should light up when you push the button on the side. If it doesn’t then you should probably call tech support. Note this will probably bring the WAN connection down since I don’t believe that modem supports live signal strength.

  • sbonar you are awesome! Worked just as you said. I guess previously I wasn’t holding down the button long enough.


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