
20,000 Non-substantive Tweets and Counting!

I’m not sure what to think about this particular “milestone”.  It is now maybe a year and 20,000 updates later and I still think that I really have nothing to say. Although, now that I think about it I have 20,000 updates to PROVE that I have nothing really substantive to say. Hahaha.

Oh and who was the “lucky” recipient of my 20,000th Tweet? @joannie808 with @ryankanno coming a close second.

I look at those last two posts and it just magnifies the theme of this particular post for me.  Because both contain “inside” jokes in them and so are of little value to more than a small circle of Tweeples.

The inside joke with @joannie808 was that when I bumped into her at Long’s. Well actually she called out to me “Hi ParkRat!”. She introduces me to her boyfriend and proceeds to tell me that he is @hawaii’s brother. We have a bit of conversation. I rag on him some about how can he be @hawaii’s brother but yet not be on Twitter, etc. And then I proceed to say that I can’t believe that he is @hawaii’s brother because he looks nothing like him. And not just in passing, I made it a point (stupidly now in retrospect) about how little he looks like @hawaii and how I don’t believe it.  Later that night I am chatting with @hawaii and find out that they are brothers. Just not blood brothers!  Damn it @joannie808! Open mouth, stick foot in. I hate the taste of my toes.

The inside joke with @ryankanno is a lot simpler and far less embarrassing. Well that is not completely true as it is slightly sad to have to admit that my basketball team sucks.  In any case, @ryankanno and I play in the same basketball league and as previously mentioned my team sucks. We have not made it out of the first round of the playoffs since entering the league and I don’t even want to think about how many seasons that represents.  In any case, now we have the secret to winning….plan a strategy!

In any case, no matter how much drivel I may post as updates, I love Twitter and the people who make up my Twitterstream.  Some of who I only know what they look like as a small 1 inch square and also those who I have had the privilege to meet IRL as well.

Mahalo to all!

Posted via email from ParkRat’s Posterous Playground

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