Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Late Night Ramen @bigcitydiner (@bcdlane @mel808)

We’ve been trying to get the late night ramen meal at Big City Diner almost since Lane first tweeted about it. But most of the time we’re actually too early (it isn’t available until 10:30pm). Which is saying a lot because we typically eat “late” by most people’s standards.

Once we were almost there at the right time,10:00pm-ish! But were rebuffed and told that the special starts at 10:30pm. Sigh. Oh wells, give Lane some crap online and hassle the waiter a little and then enjoy the meal. I don’t even remember what I had that night already.

In any case, after a day of @mel808 saying that we ARE going to get the ramen Saturday night and starving me up until we could get it. Our kids all ditched us that night too so it was just the two of us watching the clock. But we finally succeeded in having what I’ve been referring to as DA BIG Ramen (late night only)!

This one was Mel’s and had just about everything that they put in it in it.

This was mine. It had just about everything that they put it in it NOT put in it.

Oh and then we also decided to have dessert.


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